Saturday, March 18, 2017

Welcome to Skytemple

กิจฺโฉ มนุสฺสปฏิลาโภ
กิจฺฉํ มจฺจานชีวิตํ
กิจฺจํ สทฺธมฺมสฺสวนํ
กิจฺโฉ พุทฺธานมุปฺปาโท


Kiccho manussapaฺtilabho
Kicchamํ maccana jivitamํ
Kiccho saddhammasavanamํ
Kiccho buddhanamuppado

Hard is it to born Human
Hard is the life of  mortals
Hard is it to hear the sublime truth
Hard is the arising of the Buddhas

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Welcome to Skytemple 2017
At Skytemple I enjoy many activities throughout the year. These include the teaching of  the Buddha and compare other, celebration, ceremonies, and festivals.

Here are a few rules of  etiquette to assist you with becoming familiar with Early Buddhism and culture. We always take out shoes off when entering the main Buddha Hall and avoid sitting with our feet pointing at the Buddha statue. The best way of  greeting is "Wai" - a slight bow with the palms pressed together in a prayer-like fashion. It is the act of courtesy that is greatly appreciated. Thank you for coming to Skytemble.